Tuesday 9 February 2016

Diabetes Reversal, Now A Possibility!

This is a sponsored post.
On June 4th 2013, The Nation newspaper carried the news that the World Health Organization (WHO) declares Nigeria, the leader in Africa of people living with Diabetes. That means, Nigeria has the highest number of people suffering from Diabetes in Africa. The report also states that Nigeria has the highest mortality rate from this disease.

Another source also said that 78 per cent of people living with Diabetes are undiagnosed and unaware that they have diabetes.

Even more distressing, 1 in 4 didn’t know they had diabetes
until it was too late.

Many are pre-diabetic, and don't even know it yet.

Check out these stats from a recent study of Type 2 Diabetes

1. If you have diabetes, your risk of heart attack is 11 times
higher than the average person.
2. Diabetes increases your risk of having a stroke by 150%
3. For people without diabetes, a stroke is about 17% chance of death, meaning there is an 83% chance of surviving a stroke.
However, for a diabetic person, a stroke is almost 100% death sentence, 0% chance of survival.
4. Diabetes leads to heart failure, cancer growth, dementia and Alzheimer disease.
5. And so many more...

The question is...

If Type 2 Diabetes is so deadly, why do most doctors prescribe treatments that only manage the symptoms... while ignoring the
real cause of the disease?

Especially when new research has revealed the real cause of
diabetes, and provided a simple solution to “jumpstart” your
body’s blood glucose regulation system!

The goodnews is...

There is a special natural supplement that works by "Jumpstarting"
your Pancrease - the part of your body that keeps your blood sugar levels healthy, keeping away insulin resistance.

With this “Pancreas jumpstart solution” that I’m about to show you,
you’ll be able to manage, and possibly reverse your Type 2 Diabetes, sharply reducing or even eliminating your need for medication.

We have helped thousands of people manage, and reverse their
diabetic conditions.

If you want to get more information about this solution, subscribe from the link below as I take you on a journey of education, on the
course of Type 2 Diabetes, natural management, reversal, and how you can possibly take advantage of this to better your health and life.

Subscribe from here
---> http://shieldmarketing.info/diabetes/

Once you subscribe, you will now understand what has been happening and behind the scenes "drama" of how some giant pharmaceutical companies has been responsible in more deaths resulting from the use of diabetic drugs for treating patients.

Use this link to subscribe
---> http://shieldmarketing.info/diabetes/

And possibly reverse your Type 2 Diabetes condition today.

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