Wednesday 13 July 2016

My Loud Thoughts on Recent Killings of Christian Women in Nigeria - Alexander Victor

This is the only public statement i will make about this issues, after this, i will not speak on or respond to any questions or comments on the matter. I thank everyone in advance for respecting my wishes to keep my thought about this issue unbiased.
My Deep Thoughts: Am a christian and 99% of my friends are not Christians which makes me a freelance socialite with no prejudice to any religions inclination and traditional background. Hence I would like to register as precise as possible my total displeasure, condemnation and disappointment on the gruesome murder of not just women but women of a particular religion by friends of other religious belief. Among many was the case of Late Mrs. Bridget in Kano Market whose head was hacked off her body on an account of Blasphemy which may or may not be true, but whether true or false, shouldn't God fight his battles by him self, beside He (God) promised to fight for us and we should hold our peace (Exodus 14:14). So should a God who can fight for us wait for us to fight for Him, well i don't think so. Of the many other cases is also the recent attack on Eunice in Abuja on 9/07/2016. Eunice was killed for preaching in her environ, a lawfull city of Abuja, an act (of preaching) which i did several times growing up as a christian (If its a crime to preach why have they not killed me, just thinking out loud). She probably was disturbing the residents of the area but the last time i check their is the FoI bill signed and implemented in Nigeria and no barrier to public preaching yet, the last i checked, except it happened some seconds ago.
My thoughts are deep and weighing in on me. As a christian, I have heard and seen Jesus blasphemed by my close and distant allies and yet all i do is pray for mercy for them, i have never and will never kill anyone for any reason good or bad no matter the rage but i wish like me all my friends and friends to be would think of others before thinking about themselves.
The killers of Bridget and Eunice should have a re-think, if they were in the women's shoes, hacked and killed in cold blood, will that be justice for them.
In conclusion, I love everyone, no matter your tribe, religious belief, character, life style, temperament, educational background, financial worth, personality, social status and disposition and that is why when you meet me and the first question you ask is which state are you from, trust me, we might have a good relationship because i believe you should treat me as you would treat anyone be it Hindu, Buddhist, Islam or Christian.
Alexander Victor - My simple thought

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